Grandmother Sows the Pillows shines all the stones that billow forth, to Sow them up of course, to bring them closer to your heart, where we are the holy arks. Welcome to the sacred stones, fractals for your delight, each child will find might. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

I give thanks for abundance

Mitakuye Oyasin,
More beauties to share everywhere

Great Mystery sublime
Your heart is as vast as the sea
of Celestial bodies floating free
curtains of stars grace indigo skies
angels surround in lullabys

Healing Gold and White
be in thy night sight

Bowing to the Four Holy Directions 
and the Nine Sacred Streams
through Holy Smoke Fire and Dew
 I bless the Heart inside me and You

I give thanks for abundance
gray rainbow white gray

Shalom Aleichim

All worlds combine in the cave of the mind

Great Mystery sublime in your heartbeat and mine

*{\o/}* Shalom Shabbat *{\o/}*

Mitakuye Oyasin I bow through Holy Smoke
Fire and Dew to the Four Holy Directions
and the Nine Sacred Streams
I give thanks for the abundance 
of harvesting dreams

I share Love, Peace and Joy 
Enjoy In Joy

May your heart be overflowing Love
Shalom Aleichim
grandmother sows the pillows
gray rainbow white gray

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mitakye Oyasin, bowing to the Four Holy Directions and the Nine Sacred Streams sharing words that open my heart. May these words open your heart too I Love You, I Bless You Pilamayeye
gray rainbow white gray

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Love, where art Thou ?

Love, where art Thou?

 Love where art thou?
in the rain, in the flower, in the heart
in the breath, in the very being of all
in the sunshine, in the warmth of fire
in the cool of snow, in the ice of an icicle,
I flow through all, whatever the call
I am Great Mystery, for all
I Am Love till eternity

gray rainbow white gray 
sending Love your way today
Mitakuye Oyasin, Pilamayeye

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Shalom Aleichim

Omniscient, Omnipotent,
Omnipresent One,
Blessed be

Trinity of You and me
We are Rainbows
We are free
from day of birth
til Infinity

Love of Mother
Love of Son
Love of Father
Love of Breath
Love of Heart

Love of Earth 
Love of Moon
Love of Sun
Love of Hearth
Love of One

WE are Golden WE are free
to Love all unconditionally

Shalom Aleichim

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rainbow Mandalas

Mitakuye Oyasin

Through Holy Smoke, Fire and Dew bowing to the Four Holy Directions and the Nine Sacred Streams Love and Peace on rainbow beams. I Love You <3 Blessed are we till Eternity  

Lighting a candle for Peace

 Rainbow hearts be blessed

 Love is the temple of the red blue and gold of now times and of old

 Celebrate Love and be free, Live till Eternity
 Loving the green, flows inbetween

 red, yellow, blue, the Holy glue in the dew

 rainbows true I Love You
 Aho-ah May our Spirits fly to touch the sky and
 back down again to the Rainbow Land of men.
Hueman KINd the Unified whole of the Brotherhood of man
 in Heart, Soul and Brain combined through mind.
gray rainbow white gray

More Stepping Stones by Grandmother

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